Killer in Drag by Ed Wood

Killer in Drag by Ed Wood

Author:Ed Wood
Language: eng
Format: mobi
ISBN: 1568581203
Publisher: Four Walls Eight Windows
Published: 1999-06-08T07:00:00+00:00


From the bare ground to the finished product the carnival was hastily assembled. The husky Roust-A-Bouts, doing most of the manual, building, labor made almost a musical dirge with their great hammers; their slashing saws; the squeak of bent nails being removed.

Planks. Fresh lumber. Steel rods slammed to the ground and awaited usage. Trucks were hastily unloaded; the material almost immediately being carted away. Ground was broken. Frames began to take shape. Tents were unrolled; center poles were shoved underneath for the raising. The ropes became secured. Iron and steel took the form of various rides. Circus type wagons took their places behind the tents. Flats and boards took the shape of ticket booths in front of the steadily shape taking rides and shows. Banners began to appear over the entrance of the girlie show; the snake show; the western show; the Hawaiian show. Wheels and spinners snapped into place in the concession booths. Multicolored counters seemed to jump into position. Plaster dolls; trophies and other ‘schluck’ materials were wrapped or unwrapped and placed on shelves in an alluring manner.

Then the layout of all the tent shows sprouted to finishing touches as the long Side Show banner was tied into place. The great banner boasted gigantic cartoons of what was to be formed on the inside. The Fat Lady. The Tattooed Woman. The Indian Rubber Man. A Hindu spread out on nails. The Fire Eater; and an extra large poster of the Half-Man, Half-Woman, blow off attraction.

Noises of every description resounded throughout the entire area and it was into this fantastic scene Glen walked from his new office.

His eyes marveled at the speed and accuracy with which the work was accomplished. Each man knowing his job and doing it with the precision only experience could teach.

Glen walked around ‘his’ growing carnival a long time until he came to the Side Show. There the fantastic poster of the Half-Man, Half-Woman caused him to come to a dead stop. His eyes seemed to refuse leaving the cartoon. Immediately he knew he must meet this one. He had started for the rear of the tent, the trailer living quarters, when the voice stopped him.

“Told you we’d be dropping by.”

Glen knew who the voice belonged to even before he turned.

Ernie, the cop, was behind the steering wheel of his state patrol car and Mac was beside him. Glen moved to the car.

“You’re early. Nothing opens until seven.”

Ernie continued staring at Glen which made Glen nervous, but when the cop spoke he directed his words to his partner Mac.

“Like we ain’t never been on a carney lot before, Mac.” Then the big cop directed his voice to Glen. “You workin’ the side show this trip?”

“What’s it look like?”

“Where’s Greater?”


“How’s that?”

“He doesn’t own J.M. Greater’s Greater Show Attractions any longer.”

Ernie and Mac glanced quickly at each other. Ernie then snapped to Glen. “Who pays the bills?”

“I do.”

Again the two cops looked briefly at each other before Mac leaned over to speak again.

“Comin’ up in the world, huh?”

“I know a good deal when I see it.


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